Bees Knees

Energy & Focus

PricingMember $110 | Standard $160

Benefits - What's it good for?

Bounce back from jet-lag, clear that mental fog, and shake off fatigue. It's time to boost your mood, sharpen your focus, and enhance your endurance. Let's get going! Recover from jet lag, clear your mind, and shake off fatigue. It's time to lift your spirits, improve your concentration, and increase your stamina. Let's kick things off!

Ingredients - What's in it?

Lactated Ringer's

Lactated Ringer's is an intravenous solution that replenishes fluids and electrolytes, often used to treat dehydration and balance electrolyte levels in the body

B Complex

B Complex vitamins support energy production and enhance cognitive function, helping to improve both energy levels and focus throughout the day.

Vitamin B-12

Vitamin B-12 helps boost energy levels and improve focus by supporting red blood cell production and aiding in the conversion of food into energy

Frequency - How often should I get it?

Monthly infusions are recommended for most people however, high-performance individuals can opt for bi-weekly.​​ Limit once weekly.

Recommended Kickers​

  • Amino Blend
  • Magnesium
  • Glutathione