Corpse Reviver

Immune Support & Illness Recovery

PricingMember $110 | Standard $160

Benefits - What's it good for?

Helps boost your immune system and speed up your body's healing process for fighting infections

Ingredients - What's in it?

Lactated Ringer's

Lactated Ringer's is an intravenous solution that replenishes fluids and electrolytes, often used to treat dehydration and balance electrolyte levels in the body

Vitamin C

Vitamin C boosts the immune system and helps speed up recovery time from illnesses by enhancing the production of white blood cells and reducing inflammation.


Zinc boosts the immune system and accelerates recovery from illnesses by supporting the production of immune cells and reducing inflammation.

Frequency - How often should I get it?

Monthly infusions are recommended for most people however, high-performance individuals can opt for bi-weekly.​​ Limit once weekly. The majority of Dripsy patrons report that getting the Corpse Reviver at the onset of cough, cold, and congestion symptoms helps to eliminate sickness early or significantly reduce the duration of normal sick time.

Recommended Kickers​

  • B Complex
  • Glutathione