Hangover Symptom Relief
Pricing: Member $110 | Standard $160
Benefits - What's it good for?
It's your go-to solution for those pesky hangovers, stubborn migraines, and any other aches that are cramping your style. Alleviates migraines, hangovers, tension and most aches & pains.
Ingredients - What's in it?
Lactated Ringer's is an intravenous solution that replenishes fluids and electrolytes, often used to treat dehydration and balance electrolyte levels in the body
IV vitamin C can help alleviate hangover symptoms by rapidly rehydrating the body, boosting the immune system, and reducing inflammation, leading to faster recovery and relief.
IV B Complex can help alleviate hangover symptoms by replenishing essential vitamins, boosting energy levels, and supporting the body's natural detoxification processes for faster recovery.
Vitamin B-12 helps convert food into energy and supports red blood cell production, making it essential for athletes to maintain high energy levels and enhance endurance.
Glutathione can help alleviate hangover symptoms by detoxifying the liver, reducing oxidative stress, and promoting faster recovery, leading to a clearer head and better overall well-being.
Frequency - How often should I get it?
Monthly infusions are recommended for most people however, high-performance individuals can opt for weekly or bi-weekly infusions. Limit once weekly.
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